Selected references

The following contains published work highlighting the benefits of intelligently developed office space, as well as the pitfalls of following much modern business and design advice.

Covid19: how it affects Workers During and After Lockdown


Green Vs Lean: Psychological Enrichment at Work

Publication: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied


Overview: How straightforward psychological enrichment at work imporves well-being, perceived workplace quality and output.  This was a two centre study working with Call Centre Workers and City Auditors; both saw their performances improve considerably.

The Relative Benefits of Green Versus Lean Office Space: Three Field Experiments
Psychologically enriching lean and Six Sigma spaces dramatically improves workplace satisfaction and performance
2014 Green vs Lean Offices (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [251.2 KB]

Scientific American Mind

An overview of the pitfalls inherent in modern office space and how these can be avoided.


Key data:

  • Straightforward analysis of the modern office
  • The unintentionally negative impact of office management
  • The impact of design on the bottom line


Scientific American Mind Article
Synopses of New Ways of Working, the hype belied by the paucity of research and the better supported alternative solutions.
2010 SAM Article.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [267.9 KB]

Scientific Research into the Design and Management of Office Space

Peer reviewed journal article

Publication: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied

Overview: A scientific investigation into how business space harms and benefits people and productivity.

Key data:

  • Feature 1 The toxicity of the spartan, lean environnment
  • Feature 2 The fallacies inherent in modern business management
  • Feature 3 The development of healthy, sustainable and profitable working environments
Quantifying productivity and well-being at work
A peer reviewed published article that points to the paucity of modern office management techniques and how workplaces can be developed to suit employees and the bottom line.
2010 JEP Space Experiments.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [123.0 KB]

Scientific Research into Well-being and Job Satisfaction

Peer reviewed journal article

Publication: British Journal of Management

Overview: A scientific investigation into how to increase well-being and job satisfaction in the workplace.

Key data:

  • Feature 1 The importance of sharing decision making
  • Feature 2 The pivotal role of feeling psychologically comfortable
  • Feature 3 The development of a model for a high satisfaction sustainable workplace
An investigation into an effective workplace
A peer reviewed published article that highlights the importance of organizational identity and psychological comfort at work.
2010-Aug BJM Space surveys final article[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [280.8 KB]

Sailing into a storm?   How are workers faring and how can organizations help during and after Covid19?

We are all adults here

World leading research into what makes humans tick whilst working through the Coronavirus pandemic.  What makes us happy, how to demotivate us and how to keep sane!

Covid19: What matters to workers during after lockdown - world leading research
A commissioned report into what matters to workers during theses strangest of time and how to maximize an organization's bottom line performance
2020 Lockdown Loosening Survey Report.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]


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3 minute video outlining how to develop an effective (or an appalling) office


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