
Only the best


Coaching: Evidence-Based Excellence in Professional Development


IDR offers a scientific, business focussed approach to coaching that helps careers take flight. We capitalize on the expertize of Chartered and Registered Psychologists. Our programme is built on a foundation of rigorous psychological,  and commercial research and practice.


Don't hire the under qualified and the under competent, work with the best. 


The Science of Coaching

Coaching is a complex psychological intervention that requires a deep understanding of human behaviour, cognition, and motivation. it is a worthless function otherwise.


Research indicates that effective coaching incorporates elements of:

• Goal-setting

• Listening therapy
• Self determination

• Self motivation


Our approach aligns with meta-analyses where coaching significantly improves performance, well-being, and goal attainment


Psychological Expertise: The Cornerstone of Effective Coaching

IDR engages Registered Occupational Psychologists and Chartered Coaching Psychologists, recognized globally for their coaching excellence.


This ensures our clients receive evidence-based interventions grounded in:

• Validated assessments
• Empirically supported behavioural change models
• Scientifically psupported motivation theories


A Systematic Approach to Performance Enhancement

Our coaching process is structured to align individual goals with organizational objectives, employing:

  1. Rigorous needs assessment
  2. Data-driven goal setting
  3. Evidence-based intervention strategies
  4. Quantifiable performance metrics

This systematic approach allows for the tracking of demonstrable changes in engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational outcomes. The result? More effective colleagues at any level of business.


The IDR Difference: Science-Backed Coaching Relationships

IDR's coaching relationships are built on:


• Peer-reviewed behavioural science
• Ethical guidelines from professional psychological bodies
• Person-centred approaches validated by research


Our methods help coachees develop:

• Enhanced self-awareness
• Improved emotional intelligence
• Refined interpersonal skills


Specialized Coaching Programs

Drawing from our extensive research base, we offer specialized coaching in areas including:


• Executive leadership development
• Career transition support
• Person-specific leadership advancement
• Team dynamics optimization
• Performance enhancement for high-potential individuals


By combining psychological expertise with commercial acumen, IDR's coaches facilitate transformative experiences that maximize professional potential and drive organizational success. IDR coachees contribute to their own and to their employer's success.



Useful reference

Theeboom, T., Beersma, B., & van Vianen, A. E. (2014). Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 9(1), 1-18.


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