Identity Realization: Psychology at work

Unparalleled excellence

About Identity Realization Limited



Identity Realization Limited was founded with a singular purpose: to maximize leadership, management, and performance in the workplace.




Our solutions exceed global best practice. Solutions we design specifically for those organizations where people are the primary resource. If that sounds like you, read on.

 As a Chartered, Registered Doctor of Workplace Psychology, I offer just a little bit of insight into understanding people at work; into what motivates them, what drives their happiness, and what enhances their performance. No other profession matches psychology’s depth of human expertise.


That is worth considering for a moment. If your company depends on humans, then psychology, particularly occupational psychology. is more important than any other discipline. Economics, business consultancy, design, auditing are all important business disciplines, but unless an organization understands how to motivate and engage its employees, anything else you try will be sputtering on one cylinder. 



And within psychology, my level of organizational qualification is extensive, black belt fifth dan, and unique. All IDR's associates are relevantly skilled, too. So, why settle for anything less than excellence when optimizing your organization?



Discoveries: unsettling sometimes

Since its inception at the University of Exeter in 2003, Identity Realization Limited has been on a mission to deliver nothing other than superb, impartial, and practical business solutions. We set out to help leaders excel, to enhance management practices, and develop exceptional organizational performance.



This often means confronting existing practices. Because along the way, we have uncovered an uncomfortable truth. While technology has advanced at an unprecedented pace, the core principles of business practices have remained largely stagnant, but continually reinvented 'as new', for over a century.

 Consider these examples:

  • Steelcase manufactured the first purpose-designed ‘clean desk’ in 1915.
  • Lean, Six Sigma, Kanban, scrums and the leadership principles they embody can be traced back, wholesale, to FW Taylor’s The Principles of Scientific Management (1911).
  • Open-plan offices became widespread during Queen Victoria’s reign.
  • Agile and flexible working practices originated with Josiah Wedgwood in the 18th century.


These 'modern' approaches are now suboptimal. With a change of emphasis and a lift of the head, intelligent leaders can make extraordinary differences, managers can help teams achieve new levels of success, while workplaces—hybrid or traditional—can become hubs of satisfaction, engagement, and high performance. The potential for measurable gains, often in the tens of percentage points, is immense.



The gains

 The conclusion is clear: most organizations are shackled in an Aladdin's cave of untapped potential.  If you work with us, Identity Realization will release you from the fetters. You can then harvest the business riches that are all around you. The process is largely painless, sometimes challenging, mostly enjoyable, and ultimately rather rewarding.


Contact us today—together, we can unlock the potential of your organization.






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3 minute video outlining how to develop an effective (or an appalling) office


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